Bemus Point, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table provides information on the Population & Steets of Bemus Point City, New York. This information is based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau. This information has been re-calculated using census block data. The population of Bemus Point City is approximately 345 people. The median home value in the city is $249,500. Home values in Bemus Point City have appreciated by 4.1% in the last 10 years.

The Bemus Point ZIP Code is a part of Chautauqua County. The city is located on Chautauqua Lake. The population density is 322 people per square mile. It is estimated that the population of Bemus Point will reach 345 in 2020. It was incorporated in 1805. Bemus Point has a middle class atmosphere. The public schools are above average. Residents own their own homes.

Crime rates in Bemus Point are lower than the national and state averages. The crime rate is the number of crimes committed per capita. If a city has a high crime rate, citizens may feel unsafe and avoid activities that would benefit the city. A high crime rate may also lead businesses to leave the city, resulting in decreased tax revenue and higher insurance premiums. To find out if your neighborhood has a low crime rate, consider living in Bemus Point.