Berkshire, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the population and steets of Berkshire City? You should be, since this information is incredibly important in determining your future home. Below, we've summarized the statistics for the city of Berkshire, Massachusetts. Keep reading to learn more about this historic town and the surrounding area. And don't worry, we'll keep the information relevant and timely for you.

The population of Berkshire City, Massachusetts, based on the 2000 census, was 2,753 households. Of these households, 25.7% were headed by married couples, while 7.9% were headed by single women. The town's per capita income was $26,039. The median age of residents was 36. Males outnumbered females by 87.8: for every 100 females, there were 88.7 males.

The population of the town was approximately 40,945 in 2011. The city's economy was also a significant contributor to the state's economic health. The population of Berkshire City is the sixteenth largest in the United Kingdom, according to a recent independent poll. Located between the Oracle and the Broad Street Mall, Broad Street is the main shopping street in the city. A number of department stores and major landmarks can be found in the city. Waterstone's, a former non-conformist chapel, has a branch in Kings Road.

Reading is an historic, large market town in Berkshire, England. It is situated on the Great Western Main Line railway and the M4 highway. It is approximately forty miles east of Swindon, 25 miles south of Oxford, and 40 miles west of London. It is also a major information technology and regional retail center serving the Thames Valley. It is also home to the University of Reading. You can learn more about this vibrant town by reading its history.