Boiceville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Boiceville City population is approximately nine hundred and twenty-seven people. Of those, 457 are males and 470 are females. The average age of the Boiceville population is forty-one. There are approximately 1,781 births and 1,553 deaths per year. The race makeup of Boiceville's population changes every year. Approximately 917 people are white, while 10 are Hispanic or Latino.

The violent crime rate in Boiceville varies by neighborhood. For example, the northeast neighborhoods have a violent crime rate of one in 1,461, while the central area has only one violent crime rate of one in nine hundred and seventeen. This is not a very intuitive way to look at the crime rate in Boiceville, but this simple map shows where a higher rate of violent crimes are centered. This makes central Boiceville a safer neighborhood.

The education level of the population in Boiceville City is measured by the percentage of children in school. Understanding this information can help you make educated decisions about their education and job markets. In Boiceville, the number of children three and older attending school was 46,266. The number of students in elementary or secondary schools was 59,893 while college students were 11,681.