Breesport, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Breesport City is home to about 773 residents of different races. Of that population, 0.0% identify themselves as Black, 3.5% identify as Hispanic, and 4.4% identify as Asian. The remaining population of Breesport, NY is comprised of 0.6% Hispanic and 0.6% Black. This means that about one in every seven residents of Breesport, NY is below the federal poverty level.

While there aren't any official numbers from the FBI, there is some evidence that Breesport, NY has a high rate of crime. The city has two hundred and sixty residents and two-hundred households, with an average household size of 2.59. As of 2020, the city has a population growth rate of 1.7%. Most residents drive to work by themselves, with an average commute time of 23.2 minutes.

The city has a relatively young population and many families with children. The public school system in Breesport is good, and there are numerous programs and services designed to help families. Additionally, Breesport's high percentage of owner-occupied single-family homes makes it an excellent place to raise a family. And, although Breesport does have its share of crime, it is far lower than the national average.

The average age in Breesport, NY is 51 years old. That is slightly older than the national median age of 37.3. Its percentage of foreign-born residents is 5.8%, while the national average is 15.2%.