Breezy Point, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics show the population and steets of Breezy Point City, Minnesota. The demographics of this city are interesting in that it is primarily German, with a few residents reporting Italian, Puerto Rican, and English ancestry. While the city does have a small proportion of Native American residents, it is a growing part of the area's population. Its median household income is $76,447, which is higher than the national average.

The population of Breezy Point is relatively young, with 16.4% of residents never having been married. In contrast, more than one-third of Americans have never married. The city has a low percentage of veterans - 12.7% of the 18+ population is a veteran. This number is lower than the national average (7.3%), but higher than other Minnesota cities. The population of Breezy Point is a mix of racial and ethnic groups, so it is worth noting that many people who live here don't speak any other languages.

Despite its small size, Breezy Point is a desirable destination for those who are looking for a peaceful and private place to live. Although it is a private cooperative, the residents are not all rich and live in large homes. Most residences are owner-occupied, and five members per family live in them. The community has no public facilities, but it has a small and largely exclusive feel.