Brooktondale, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be interested to know the Population & Steets of Brooktondale City. Its demographic statistics are provided by the United States Census Bureau. Its racial data includes self-reported race and ethnicity. For example, the majority race in Brooktondale is White, but it's also possible to find people of Irish, German, Dutch, English, and even French ancestry. In addition, English is the most commonly used language, but it's important to know that other languages are spoken as well, including Langs. of India, Other Asian Languages, and French.

A recent study shows that the crime rate in Brooktondale is similar to that of other cities of its size. However, it's safer than many other cities. The table below shows the average crime rate of cities with comparable population. Despite its slightly higher crime rate, Brooktondale is actually a relatively safe city. The rate of identity theft is 1.10 per 1,000 residents in a standard year. The northeast part of Brooktondale is considered the safest area.

When deciding on a travel destination, it's best to search for cities close to Brooktondale, NY. This way, you can compare the various options available for flights from Brooktondale, NY. You can even use this list to locate cities within 100 miles of Brooktondale. You'll be able to decide which one to choose, since there's no shortage of flights to and from this location.