Calcium, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Calcium is younger than the United States as a whole. The median age in this city is 25.5 years, compared to 37.9% in the U.S. The age of the population in this city is lower than the national average of 15.2%. Among the civilian population, 14.6% are veterans, making the city less likely to have large populations of elderly. In contrast, only 7.5% of adults in this city are 65 or older.

The population of Calcium is composed of approximately 4,102 people. The median household income in this city is $48,398. The poverty rate is 0.8%. As a result, your target audience is very likely to be affluent. However, you should consider the amount of home ownership. Many people in this city are not homeowners. If you are planning to run a business in this city, you should consider this information when deciding where to place your advertisement.