Canajoharie, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for demographic information about Canajoharie City, New York, you'll need to look at the population statistics for that city. You can find these data on the U.S. Census Bureau's website. This section contains information about the racial and ethnic groups that make up the population of Canajoharie City. The most common racial or ethnic groups in Canajoharie, NY, are White, Two Or More, and Hispanic. The poverty rate for this city is significantly lower than the US average of 64.1%. Also, only 0.591% of Canajoharie, NY employees are considered to be super-poor. The median income for Canajoharie, NY is $117,725 and is higher than that of neighboring geographies.

The population of Canajoharie, NY is made up of a mixture of citizens, with the median age for residents of both races being 41. Of the total population, a majority of the town's residents are native-born. In terms of national origin, the largest number of immigrants come from China and the Dominican Republic. There are about 74 Hispanic residents in Canajoharie, New York.

Another thing to look for is the nearest large city. Canajoharie, NY is located roughly 70 miles from New York's largest city. Listed below are some of the major cities within a hundred miles of Canajoharie City. These cities may be useful for road trips, since they have major airports nearby. You can also use the search feature to find nearby cities.