Castle Point, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the population and steets of Castle Point, NY? This article will give you the facts. Moreover, you will find out what is happening in Castle Point. If you are interested in the population and steets of Castle Point, NY, you can visit our website and search for statistics. There are many interesting facts about Castle Point. Just browse through the following pages to know about the city.

The Castle Point neighborhood is home to more single mother households than 96.1% of U.S. neighborhoods. High concentrations of single mother homes suggest that there are family and social issues in the area. This neighborhood is home to more people of Sub-Saharan African ancestry (8%), Jamaican origins (3.8%), and Puerto Rican heritage (1.5%). The Castle Point neighborhood has a lot to offer people who are looking for a home.

According to the census, the median age of the residents of Castle Point City is 37.4. Twenty-one percent of the residents are under the age of eighteen, while nine percent are married couples. The remainder are single-person households and are comprised of forty-one percent of individuals. Eight percent of the population are senior citizens living alone. In general, the average household size is 1.92 and a family is 2.73.

Despite the fact that the city is an island, the area is well connected to other areas of Essex. A13 highway connects the city to south Essex, and the A130 to London. There is also a railway station in Castle Point, providing fast connections to London. The Castle Point railway station also has connections to Thurrock and London. In addition to the excellent public transportation system, the town has many recreational opportunities.