Castorland, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Castorland City is 341 people. Its average commute time is about 24.5 minutes. The median home value is $147,700 and home appreciation over the last 10 years is 7.6%. Castorland is a growing community with many businesses and residential neighborhoods. To see how your neighborhood stacks up against others in Castorland, check out our demographics and housing information.

The population of Castorland, NY is 360, with a median age of 31.5. The median household income is $55,417. This is lower than the state's average. The median household income for Castorland is $34,375, making it less affordable than the state average. The median household income for Castorland is lower than the state's average, but it is higher than the national average.

A ZIP code is a unique identification number for a place, and Castorland, New York has a 13620 ZIP code. Listed below are the ZIP code list for Castorland, NY, as well as an interactive map. The ZIP code is the city or organization that is designated by the postal code, and the ZIP+4 extension is the last four numbers. For more information, see the Castorland city profile.