Chateaugay, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When visiting the town of Chateaugay, New York, you may be interested in learning more about the Population & Steets in Chatteaugay City. It is a city located in Franklin County, New York. The city's population is estimated to reach 4,600 by 2020. Read on to learn more about the history and people of this charming city.

The city has a relatively low poverty rate, with only 29.3% of households living below the poverty line. It is also home to a large percentage of people who are working and employed. The city has a high labor force participation rate - 55.4% - and a high education rate of 85.6%. The median home value in Chateaugay is $90,300. Home appreciation over the past 10 years is 8.1%.

The median household income in Chateaugay City is $40,500, which is much higher than the state's overall average. The poverty rate in Chateaugay is 8.6%, which is significantly lower than the national average of 10.5%. For this reason, the area's median household income is $40,500. Moreover, the area's population is overwhelmingly rural, with only 9% of people in New York city claiming to be unmarried.

The per capita income in Chateaugay City is $27,400. This is below the national average and is considered middle class when compared to other cities. Chateaugay is home to a mixture of wealthy and poor families. More than 95% of the population has health insurance, with 38.9% of households on employee plans and 21.9% on Medicaid. Only 0.26% of the population is covered by the military or VA.