Clifton Springs, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a population and steets map of Clifton Springs, New York. The map shows self-identified racial majorities by region. The darker the shade, the larger the racial majority. You can also view Clifton Springs diversity scores. Here's a look at some of the other demographics of Clifton Springs.

Property crime rates are calculated using data on reported crimes in the area. The rates are shown as a percentage of the total number of crimes per 1,000 residents of Clifton Springs during a standard year. The northeast area of Clifton Springs has the lowest rate of property crime. Property crime is generally a low risk, but you should be aware of crime statistics for other parts of the city.

The city's per capita income is $29,554. This represents a lower middle-income city in relation to the rest of New York. This translates to about $118,216 for a family of four. The city's racial makeup is fairly evenly distributed, with both rich and poor residents. Most residents of Clifton Springs identify as White. The highest-income industries in Clifton Springs are Health Care & Social Assistance ($62153) and Transportation & Warehousing ($61528).

The median age of Clifton Springs, NY residents is 47.9%, with native-born citizens having an average age of 48.8%. Meanwhile, foreign-born residents are 8.4% older, while the average age of New York residents is 46.8% of the population is under the poverty line. Census data also shows that foreign-born residents are mostly white. The highest percentage of foreign-born residents of Clifton Springs, NY is the Dominican Republic, with 501,381 people claiming to have been born in the country. Second to it is China with 407,244 residents.