Clymer, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This is a quick guide on the Population & Steets in Cilymer City, PA. The city is home to approximately 1,237 people. The median household income in the city is $34,100. You can use the table below to see the demographic breakdown of the city. The population was most evenly represented among non-Hispanic Whites. Minorities made up 0.566% of the population.

The median age in Clymer is two-and-a-half years younger than the average. It is important to note that men outnumber women by 3.8%. The demographic analysis of Clymer shows large age groups, which can be useful for retirement research or employment-related research. The percentage of residents under twenty years old is also useful for identifying areas where there is a significant presence of immigrants.

The population of Clymer is 1,321, making it the 760th largest community in Pennsylvania. Its borders are Wayne Township, Erie County, and Columbus Township, Warren County, Pennsylvania. To the east, the town of Harmony is located. The city is home to two independent villages: French Creek and Sherman. Clymer is located in the southwestern part of Chautauqua County.

The number of foreign-born residents in Clymer is below the state average. The city is home to the highest proportion of 15-19-year-old mothers in the state. Despite the high proportion of foreign-born residents, the city has a lower average birth rate than other communities in the area. Those with college degrees are also underrepresented in the population. Those with bachelor's degrees are significantly below the state average in Clymer.