Cochecton, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following Cochecton City demographics are based on the 2010 Census. According to the latest Census Bureau estimates, the population is approximately 2,780 people, and a quarter of the city is made up of households. There are a few characteristics of Cochecton that are interesting to look at. The city is home to many families, with a high percentage of married couples. The median house value is considerably below the state average. The average number of people living in a household is 2.8 people.

The Cochecton City population statistics include the number of single women, age groups, and ethnic groups. While there are few people under the age of twenty, the majority of single women are between thirty and forty-five. The population is also more than half Hispanic, with a high proportion of people between sixty and seventy-five years of age. The median age of men is 49.3, while women are slightly older.

While there are a number of different factors that determine the size of the town, the most common is the percentage of foreign-born residents. As for foreign-born residents, Cochecton has the highest percentage of residents from the Americas, followed by Europe. The percentage of people from Oceania is also higher than the average for this region. The Cochecton City population is only three-fourths of the size of the United States.