Conesus, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning about the demographics of the city of Conesus, New York, then this article is for you. We'll look at the age distribution of the population in Conesus by age group, as well as the percentage of single women in the area. The median age of women is 53.8 in Conesus, while the proportion of men is higher at 63.1.

Compared to New York City, Conesus is only one-eightth the size. Its population is composed of mostly college-educated adults. Approximately 75% of the population is white. There are also fewer than a hundred thousand black people. Its low crime rate means that many people are likely to feel safe in this city. In fact, the average property value in Conesus is just under $160,000.

The percentage of black and Hispanic residents in Conesus, NY, is 1.0% lower than the national average. While the median household income in the city is $54,130, the average household income is $66,813 per year. This means that the city's population growth is lower than average. And as a result, there's less competition for local real estate. This means that the city's population density will remain the same or even go down.

Although Conesus is home to a small golf course, it's an idyllic town. In addition to a newer fire station, there's the Ricky Greene Memorial Park, which is always filled with children. Skateboarding and baseball are popular pastimes in the park. And the town's 18-hole golf course is a popular spot for young people.