Coopers Plains, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The 2011 census shows that the population of Coopers Plains City is approximately 61,798. The median age of the population is 21.6. In addition, there are many different types of occupations, and the average salary of a Coopers Plains resident is around $57,800. The following table details the demographics of Coopers Plains, including its population makeup, occupations, and median salary.

The largest group of residents in Coopers Plains, NY is White. The next largest group is Two+ (non-Hispanic). Those who are Hispanic account for 0.9% of the total population. Those who have a higher income typically live in Coopers Plains, NY. While this may seem like an unlikely situation, it is important to keep in mind that the majority of people in Coopers Plains are white.

The violent crime rate in Coopers Plains is low compared to other cities of the same size. Despite the low average violent crime rate, it's significantly lower than the state or national average. However, the city is not completely crime-free. If you're concerned about the safety of your home, you may want to consider moving somewhere else. While this city does have its fair share of crime, it's not a high-crime area.

In the United States, English is the most common language. In Coopers Plains, NY, 100% of the population aged five and older speak English. In addition to English, the most widely spoken languages are Hungarian, Spanish, and German. By comparison, the number of people who don't speak English is much lower, at only 0.4%. The percentage of people who do speak English well is 91.4% in the U.S.