Cuddebackville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The current population of Cuddebackville is around 1,302 people. Of those, 114,788 of those are families. The remainder, or 7,966 people, are either single, married, or not in a household. The median age for the population of Cuddebackville is 35.4, while the median age for females is 36.6. There are about five thousand births and two thousand deaths in the city each year. The current race and ethnicity makeup of Cuddebackville is 1,274 of one race and 28 races, representing a diversity of backgrounds and cultures.

The total number of people in Cuddebackville can be found in the Cuddebackville city data. There is one census-designated place, Sparrowbush, which is a hamlet situated on the old canal line. The community has a cemetery. The cemetery was founded in 1867, and is located on the Cuddebackville city line. In addition to its post office, Cuddebackville is also home to a number of census-designated places.

Cuddebackville is in the southeast corner of New York State, at the mouth of the Hudson River. The four most comfortable months to visit the city are August, July, and June. The most inhospitable months are January and February. The city is part of the New York Metropolitan Area (including the island of Manhattan and the eight-county area immediately north). Cuddebackville is a prestigious place to live in America, with a population of 2,322.