Dewittville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Trying to find out the Population & Steets in Dewitville City, NY? If you've been looking for information on the city, you've come to the right place. We've compiled a list of local towns so you can plan your trip and explore the surrounding area. You can also find out the nearest cities 100 miles away from Dewittville, NY.

Crime in Dewittville is low. It ranks in the 89th percentile for safety, which means it's safer than most cities. Only 1% of U.S. cities are safer than Dewittville, which means there are zero crimes committed per thousand residents. It's a relatively safe place to live in Dewittville, with the safest neighborhoods located in the southeast corner.

Dewittville is home to 177.4% white residents, 0.8% black, and 0.8% Hispanic. The median household income is $41,739, with an average of $58,786. The average high school graduation rate is 67%. For a more accurate assessment of the target audience for your local advertising, consider the following demographics: