East Bloomfield, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in East-Bloomfield City? If you are planning to visit the city of East-Bloomfield, New York, you can find out more about the town by getting its population and stats. The city is situated in the state of New York and is also a hub of industrial activity. There are many major companies that call this city home including Eastman Kodak Company, Xerox, Bausch & Lomb, GM, and a number of others. You can also find excellent educational assets like University of Rochester.

The population of East Bloomfield is estimated to be approximately 66,730. Its average household size is 2.74 people. There are many historical places in the city that have historic significance. Visitors can find out about these places and visit their historical sites. For a more comprehensive population of the city, you can use the U.S. Census Bureau. These resources will help you find the right places to visit and stay in East Bloomfield City.

Crime Rates in East-Bloomfield are comparatively low compared to other cities. The crime rate in East-Bloomfield is 8.19 per every 1,000 people in a year. While the central part of the city is the safest, crime rates are highest in the southeast parts. The central part of East-Bloomfield City has the lowest crime rate. In the southeast part of East-Bloomfield, your chances of being a victim of a crime can be as high as 1 in 90 compared to 1 in 174. While it may seem easy to see a simple count of crimes, it is not. The map closely resembles the state population map.