East Homer, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get an idea of the overall population of East Homer City, PA, you should check out the chart below. This graph provides the population and the number of homes in this area. East Homer City, PA is in the 7th percentile for population, while the surrounding county is in the 69th percentile. The map below shows the breakdown of the population by street name in East Homer City.

The village of Homer was established in 1835, and it is located in eastern Cayuga County. The town lies along the north-south highways Interstate 81 and U.S. Route 11, and New York State Route 41 and 90. NY-41A converges in the northwest quadrant of the city, while NY-41 cuts across the southeast. The population of East Homer is estimated at approximately 7,000 people.

There are two census-reported populations for the area: the current population and the past ten years' data. The most recent census of the city shows that it is largely white, with a population split between young people and middle-aged adults. The percentage of people of color is much lower than the state average. There are also a few large organizations in the area, including the University of West Alabama, which has a campus there.

In addition to its ethnic diversity, Springfield is home to many religious groups. During its founding, many Springfieldians joined the Movementarianism cult, only to realize that it is a fraud. However, Reverend Lovejoy claims that the town has an alliance of people who worship the Inanimate Carbon Rod. Other members of the congregation include Lenny Leonard, Carl Carlson, and Lisa Simpson. The Stonecutters Lodge is now known as the Ancient Society of No-Homers.