East Meredith, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in the population and steets of East Meredith City, New Jersey, you've come to the right place. Here you will find a summary of the town's history, including its population and steets. To further explore this city's history, read the article below. Then, if you're looking for the population and steets of Meredith, New Jersey, you'll find several maps.

The population of East Meredith is comprised of 1,107 residents. There are 541 males and 566 females. The median age is 38.6 years, and there are approximately 566 deaths per year. The race makeup of East Meredith is slightly different than that of most cities, with roughly one race for every ten residents. While this is a small town, it does represent the center of the city's population.

The population of East Meredith is comprised of both single family homes and apartment buildings. The county population is 28,952 and includes about a quarter of that number. This figure includes children attending nursery and elementary school, as well as children in high school and college. The population of East Meredith city is comprised of a mixture of both types of housing, but the number of single family homes is still consistent.