Endwell, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How safe is Endwell? It's comparable to other nearby cities, and the crime rate there is lower than the state and national average. Still, some neighborhoods in the southeast are more violent than others. As a result, there are some things you need to know before moving to this area. Luckily, we've got the answers you need! Read on to find out the population and steets of Endwell.

There are around 11,450 people in Endwell, New York. The median household income is $54,446. According to the US CENSUS BUREAU, the poverty rate is 5.68%. Although this is not particularly high, the number of people living in poverty is much higher than average. Regardless of your level of education, it's always good to look into this before deciding whether or not to move to the area.

The average commute time in Endwell is 19 minutes. This is lower than the average of 38 minutes in the state. While a commute may be convenient, it can be costly. That's why Endwell has one of the shortest commutes in the nation. The statistics are based on self-identification data and include statistics about the neighborhood's diversity. And, for your reference, if you're wondering why the city is so unique, consider this: it has a lot of local residents that know each other well and don't move frequently.

The language of choice in the neighborhood of Endwell varies. The most common home language is English, which is spoken in 86.6% of homes. Another common language is Spanish. Among the Filipino community, Tagalog is the first language spoken in the region. If you're not sure which language to speak, it is important to check the official website of the local chamber of commerce. When you're ready to move to Endwell, you can find nearby cities and towns.