Glen Aubrey, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Glen Aubrey City, New York has a median annual income of $54,000, which is less than the median annual income in the United States. It was $56,146 in 2018, representing a -3.82% annual growth. The median annual income in Glen Aubrey compares to the median income in neighboring and parent geographies, as well as the statewide average. The table below shows the racial composition of Glen Aubrey.

The population of Glen Aubrey, NY is comprised of 307 White residents, 6 Black or African American, and 6 Two+ (non-Hispanic). There is no Hispanic population. The median property value in Glen Aubrey is N/A. The median homeowner rate is 74.6%. Residents of Glen Aubrey commute to work by car. The median car ownership rate in Glen Aubrey is the same as the national average, with approximately 2 cars per household.

The population of Glen Aubrey, NY is fairly evenly spread. Twenty-four percent of the residents are under 18, 30.4% are 25-44, and 7.9% are 65 and older. The median age was 35. Interestingly, the town is home to a few foreign-born residents. Amongst these foreign-born residents, only 10 people moved to the city from another country between 2015 and 2016.