Hammondsport, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In a few days you will be able to find out how many people live in Hammondsport City, New York. You'll be able to find out how many people live in the city, including how many people live in the surrounding area. The city's population is estimated to be around 4,5,399 in 2020. If you have a question, be sure to use the contact information on this page to get in touch with someone.

Besides Hammondsport, there are several nearby cities that can be a good place to travel to. You can use them to book flights to the larger cities or towns in close proximity. Or, you can just explore the local area by driving to nearby towns and cities. Using the list below, you can find out which cities are closest to Hammondsport, NY and what they have to offer.

The data on the city's population is based on a population density calculation. The population density is reported in square miles. The area has a slightly higher proportion of residents from Europe than the country's average. It has a lower percentage of residents from Oceania than the United States, which means Hammondsport has a slightly higher quality of life than most cities in the region.

The average household size in Hammondsport is 2.6 persons. This percentage is slightly smaller than the average across the metro area. The largest percentage of households is headed by married couples. Dundee has the largest number of married couples, with 79.6%. The difference between Hammondsport and Dundee is only 8.9%. If you're curious about Hammondsport's average household size, take a look at Figure 17.