Hopewell Junction, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will examine the Population & Steets of Hopewell Junction City, NY. Hopewell Junction, NY is located in the state of New York. The median annual household income is $104,250, which is more than the average income for households in the United States. In the same way, the median household income in Hopewell Junction, NY is higher than the median income of households in neighboring and parent geographies. This article will also explore the differences in incomes between men and women in Hopewell Junction City.

The most common racial and ethnic groups living below the poverty line in Hopewell Junction, NY are White, Hispanic, and Other. The Census Bureau uses income thresholds to determine whether a family is below or above the poverty line. These thresholds vary by family size and composition, but families that earn less than these levels are considered to be living in poverty. The most common occupations in Hopewell Junction are Management Occupations, Sales & Related Occupations, and Office & Administrative Support Occupations.

Although it is not known whether the population of Hopewell Junction is at risk of exposure to PCBs, it is likely that the area is infected with these chemicals. However, because of the low number of residents, no health study has been conducted for Hopewell Precision's residents. The site is in the VOC Exposure Registry and the NYS DOH will soon conduct a health statistics review of the community.