Java Village, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You have probably wondered how the population of Java Village City is distributed. If you have never been there, you should know that the average population density is over one thousand per square mile. This city is situated in West Java, Indonesia. This area has a diverse population, which means that there are many different groups living there. There are many different ways to find out more about this region of Indonesia. Listed below are some of the key details that you should know.

Java is a large island in Indonesia and has an urban quality to it. Its villages are just a few hundred meters apart, while towns are only eight kilometers apart. The island's climate is humid and hot, with a wet and dry season of about eight months. This can result in overcrowding and poverty. There are two main approaches to managing this situation. One is soil conservation in the uplands, while the other is allowing the needy to move to the lowlands.

The other approach is to visit the ancient sultanate of Cirebon. Located along the Indian Ocean, the city was once a thriving trading hub. This city is home to three kratons used by sultans and a royal cemetery. Pilgrims from all over Java visit this city and offer their prayers. Besides that, the ancient palaces of Kasepuhan and Kanoman are museums. In one of them, you can see royal carriages that were once used by the sultans.