Mountain Dale, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Mountaindale City, NY? If so, you have come to the right place! Find out about the local population, schools, businesses, and more! You can also explore the surrounding cities for fun and adventure. There are several big cities within 44 miles of Mountain Dale. Read on to learn about the major cities and towns surrounding Mountain Dale, NY.

The crime rate in Mountain Dale is low, compared to other cities. Crime rates are 8.87 per 1,000 people in a standard year. Because there are very few retail establishments in the city, many crimes occur in areas with few residents. However, that doesn't mean that every neighborhood is unsafe. There are several ways to determine the crime rate in Mountain Dale. One way is to look at crime maps by neighborhood, such as those created by the FBI.

The Census Bureau has categorized Dale City's population into three categories: affluent and poor. The former group includes those with income below the poverty line. The latter group has the highest percentage of children living below the poverty line, while whites are the lowest. The population of Mountain Dale City is approximately 4850 people. Its census data is tagged to a residential address.

Some of the changes that were made to the town have upset local residents. One recent incident involved vandals spray-painting a sculpture in the city's sculpture garden, across from the apothecary. This sculpture, titled "Cruci-selfie," featured an empty hole for a face and allowed tourists to take a picture with it. This added interest and excitement to the town.