Natural Bridge, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering relocating to Natural Bridge, AL, you'll likely want to know the Population & Steets in the city. These two statistics will give you a better idea of the city's demographics. The population of Natural Bridge is 776 people, and the median household income is $11,136. For the rest of the United States, the poverty rate is 0.00 percent. The median age in Natural Bridge is 0 years old, while the median age is 0 years old for both males and females.

The median property value in Natural Bridge was N/A in 2009 and has increased N/A since then. Natural Bridge, AL has a 100% homeownership rate, with an average house value of N/A. Residents of Natural Bridge, AL drive alone to work and commute for an average of 25.5 minutes. Natural Bridge, AL residents own an average of four cars, and 0% of the population is foreign born.

The median annual income for households in Natural Bridge, AL is N/A, which is equal to $65,712 nationally. The percentage of households living below the poverty line is N/A, indicating that there's not much income disparity between the sexes. A family income threshold reflects the amount of money each member earns. This means that a person living in Natural Bridge, AL is one of four people who are poor. The highest-paying occupations in Natural Bridge, AL are manufacturing, health care & social assistance, and agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting.