North Clymer, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in North-Clymer City? Did you know that it's just one fifth the size of New York? Read on for a detailed overview of this small city. Listed below are the various statistics on the city and the surrounding area. Take a look and see how the demographics measure up! You may be surprised by what you find!

The Town of Clymer is located in Chautauqua County, NY. Its population was 1,647 as of the 2010 Census. Its elevation is 1,470 feet, or 448 meters. The city is part of the (716) zip code area. It's located near the junction of NY Routes 474 and 76. Residents of the town live in a diverse array of lifestyles and enjoy a relaxed and family-friendly atmosphere.

North Clymer City is home to fifty-two households with children under the age of 18. Seventy-two percent of households are married couples, while four percent have a female householder who is not her husband. Twenty-three percent of the population lives alone. And about nine percent are senior citizens. Overall, the population of North Clymer City is twenty-three years old and sixty-two years old.

There are several other statistics on the population and steets of North Clymer City. The most commonly available information is provided by the US Census Bureau and the Combined Municipality Research Center. QuickFacts offers information for states, counties, and cities with 5,000 or more residents. However, these statistics are not comparable to census data from other geographical areas, due to differences in sampling and methodology. To determine the quality of the information in the ZIP code, click on the QuickFacts icon located on the TABLE view.