Richfield Springs, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are many things to know about the population and steets of Richfield Springs, NY. Below we will discuss some important statistics. The city is composed mainly of white residents, with only 12.3% being Black or African American. Eighteen percent of the population is Hispanic, and another 5.2% are Asian. In addition, there are approximately 53 people who are Hispanic in the city.

In Richfield Springs, NY, the median age of its residents is 37.7. This is a number that is based on a census count of all residents. Native residents of the city are 37 years old, while foreign-born residents are 49 years old. According to the most recent census, the most common country of birth for foreign-born residents of Richfield Springs is the Dominican Republic and China. It has a population of 231,281 people.

The ZIP Code for Richfield Springs is 13439. The first digit is used to designate the area, which ranges from zero in the Northeast to nine in the far West. The next two digits are for small post offices, or post-offices in the city. Richfield Springs, NY is located in the Otsego County region. There are many places in New York, NY, and surrounding areas.