Shushan, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will give you a basic understanding of the population and steets of Shushan City. First, you should know that the population of Shushan is comprised of both children and adults. The total number of school-age children in the city is 14,653. The total number of elementary and secondary school-age students was 22,421 and the number of college and graduate school students was 1,749.

According to the 2016 Census, there were 808 residents of Shushan, of which 209 were male and 399 were female. The average age of the population in Shushan is about 37, and the number of births and deaths is about 510 per year. The race breakdown of the population varies by year. Eight hundred five percent of the population is composed of whites, while just over one hundred percent of residents are black and Asian.

In the ancient world, the city of Shushan was the capital of the Elamite kingdom. Elamite kings plundered Mesopotamian cities and stole the monuments of other kings. During this time, the city was a thriving center for arts and crafts. The Elamite temples were decorated with statues of lions made of glazed clay.