Sterling Forest, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the latest Population & Steets statistics for Sterling Forest City, New York. The city has a population of approximately 261 people, and is growing at a rate of about 12.0% between 2010 and 2020. The city is located in the Tuxedo Township in New York State. There are several things to see and do in Sterling Forest. There are a few things to do in Sterling Forest, including going to the local theater, or exploring the town's many parks and gardens.

For more demographics about Forest City, you can visit the City Data page. The QuickFacts information is compiled from American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, Current Population Survey, and the County Business Patterns. Other sources include the US Census Bureau, Survey of Business Owners, and the City's Population & Steets. This information is gathered and updated annually by the US Census Bureau.

The average commute time for a resident of Sterling is 29 minutes. This is higher than the average for other cities in Michigan. A majority of residents drive to work, with just under half of them using public transportation. Many residents also walk to work, though this is not the most common mode of transportation. This makes Sterling a great place for retirees. The median income in Sterling is $674/month, which is $1,200 less than the state average.

One of the best ways to explore the Sterling Forest(r) State Park is by hiking. Hikers can enjoy the forested hills and valleys of the park. You may even see some wildlife along the way. Hiking trails in the park are easy to moderate, with varying degrees of difficulty. Make sure to follow the trails marked by the park and let someone know where you'll be. You'll be glad you did.