Wading River, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A census-designated place located on the North Shore of Long Island, New York, Wading River has a population of 7,719 people, with a median house value of $424,700. This community is the largest in Suffolk County and is the 223rd largest in the state. The median age is 40 years, with males averaging 39.6 and females averaging 42.7.

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, there were 7,762 people living in Wading River. The city has a minority population of 5.72%, and a majority of residents are white. Among non-Hispanic Whites, there are about 336 non-Hispanic Whites, 131 Black or African-American residents, and 5.52% Hispanics.

The city has a diverse population of people belonging to various ethnic groups. Those with the most white ancestry live here, followed by those with African, Polish, and Irish ancestry. Many people speak English, and Slavic languages are also prevalent. There are some immigrants in Wading River who speak Spanish or German. If you're looking to move to the area, consider this city.

The median property value in Wading River, NY is $424,700. Residents commute alone to work, with the average time being 27.8 minutes. The average commute in Wading River is the same as the national average, but there are many different ways to get around. While most residents are able to drive to work, there are also many people who walk. Those who use public transportation often find it easier to reach their jobs.