Westbrookville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Westbrookville is made up of 27,661 households, of which 18,446 are families. Of these, 13,861 are married couples. Another 1,367 households are made up of males without wives, and 2,953 are made up of females without husbands. Of the remaining 9,337 households, only four are nonfamily households. The average age of a Westbrookville citizen is 25.6 years.

A list of nearby cities and towns is available for Westbrookville, NY. A list will be useful when you're planning a vacation in the area or if you're just looking to learn more about the local community. Listed below are the nearest cities and airports:

Crime rates in Westbrookville City are ranked by the number of crimes committed per 1,000 residents. Compared to the rest of New York, Westbrookville's crime rate is lower than the state and national average. This is a good sign for residents, because crime is a common occurrence in most cities. However, people should remember that these crime rates may be inflated because many crimes take place in retail areas.

The waterfront in Westbrookville City was once a thriving and renowned shopping district. While the downtown area was populated with historic buildings, the waterfront was largely redeveloped between 1970 and 1973. The people were supposed to move into new housing projects around Muchattoes Lake in the city's interior. This did not happen, however, and the waterfront area declined rapidly. However, it has a strong industrial sector.