Aydlett, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering the Population & Steets in Aedlett City, you have come to the right place. Below, you will find out the most recent information about Aydlett City. The community has a total population of approximately 2,028. The zip code for Aydlett City is 27916. The post office opened on August 10, 1900.

The demographics of Aydlett show that there are 2,033 people of all races living in the city. Of these people, 50.2% identify as black or Asian. Another 4.2% identify as Hispanic or Pacific Islander. Aydlett has a high school graduation rate of 69.3% and is considered to be one of the more diverse cities in the country.

Several factors influence violent crime rates in Aydlett. Because the city has few retail outlets, its violent crime rate may seem higher than its surrounding cities. Many crimes happen in blocks with fewer people, so the red areas of the violent crime map are not necessarily the areas that are riskiest for Aydlett residents. The crime rate for Aydlett City depends on the types of crimes reported in the city.

The average age of residents of Aydlett City is 39 years old. The gender breakdown is shown below, so you can choose which one fits your demographics. You can also view the population by zip code. You can find a complete breakdown of the population by clicking on a drop-down tab. This information is updated weekly, and can help you plan a road trip to the nearby towns.