Barnardsville, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information about population and steets in Barnardsville City, North Carolina, then you've come to the right place. Keep reading to learn more about Barnardsville, North Carolina, and other nearby areas. Listed below are the most recent population & steets numbers in Barnardsville City, North Carolina. Listed by county, these statistics are updated frequently.

As far as racial diversity goes, Barnardsville is a diverse city with residents from many different ethnic groups. Approximately 61.2% of the city's residents are White, while the other 0.1% are ethnically Asian or Hispanic. The population of Barnardsville is mostly white, with just 0.1% Hispanic and Asian residents. The average high school graduation rate is 65 percent.

Barnardsville, NC is an unincorporated city and census-designated place. The official USPS name for Barnardsville is BARNARDSVILLE, NC. The population of Barnardsville was 559 at the time of the 2010 census. As a result, it is a Lower Middle Class community compared to other cities in the state. To learn more about Barnardsville, North Carolina, click the link below!