Battleboro, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before moving to Battleboro, North Carolina, you should research the neighborhood. Is it safe? Are the houses in the neighborhood similar? Do the houses have parking spaces? Are the garages full? Also, how well maintained is the community? Are there friendly neighbors? All these questions will help you decide whether or not you want to move to Battleboro. If you have any questions about the city or want to know more about the demographics, check out the Population & Steets page of our website.

The town's population was 4,588 in 2010, according to the census. Its median age was 40. The percentage of children under 18 was very low, but it was higher than average. The number of single adults was also low, at 13.3%. The percentage of vacant houses was also low, making it a good choice for newcomers. The area's schools have earned several awards. In addition to a high-quality public school, Battleboro City is also home to numerous private schools.

Brattleboro's northern section was largely rural before the 1970s. After Interstate 91's construction, it began to be developed. While it still has some rural areas, this area now boasts many suburban-style shopping areas, including the Putney Road Mall. Several chain hotels are located along Putney Road. This area is home to many businesses, including a restaurant. In the north end of town, residents can visit the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center, located in an old railroad station.