Bladenboro, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Bladeenboro City? In Bladenboro, NC, you'll find a population of about 1,697. The average commute is about twenty-four minutes, and the median home value is $75,700. Home appreciation in Bladenboro City has been 4.2% over the last decade. In fact, the city is one of the fastest growing cities in the country.

In Bladenboro City, North Carolina, the ZIP code for the city is 28320. This ZIP code is assigned by the United States Postal Service (USPS) as BLADENBORO. This city has a ZIP code of 28320, which is also known as Bladenboro. Residents of Bladenboro are primarily white. The city has a low percentage of African-American residents, and its median household income is $33,497.

The city has a high percentage of married-couple families. However, the township's percent of singles is below the state and national average. This means that if you plan to conduct employment research in Bladenboro, you'll need to pay attention to the age range of residents. In Bladenboro, the most people are under the age of twenty-five. The area ranks third in the state, after Dublin and Boardman. Bladenboro is in the middle of the range, though compared to other cities in the area.

The township has a high percentage of Hispanic residents. This township's Hispanic population is the third-highest in the region. The highest percentage of Asians in Bladenboro is in Boardman, while the lowest is in Concord. In addition, the township has a high percentage of unwed mothers. In the township, the number of unwed mothers is the highest - a shocking 29.7%.