Blowing Rock, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for Population & Steets in Bloowing Rock City, NC? Then read this article. You'll find important statistics and other information about the city. You'll find out what you can do to make the most of your trip to the town. Here are some interesting statistics:

In 2019, the median age for all people in Blowing Rock, NC was 63. This number included both native-born residents and those who were foreign-born. The average age of all residents was 60. The most common profession among those living in poverty was sales and related occupations. Aside from sales and other related industries, Blowing Rock residents also worked in the areas of education and health care.

The median household income in Blowing Rock, NC was $70,500 in 2018, a 13.8% increase from the previous year. There is a pronounced gender wage gap in North Carolina, with men earning almost $13,000 more than women. The chart below shows the number of workers in the various wage buckets in Blowing Rock, NC. This chart is also useful for calculating the median household income in the city.