Carolina Shores, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering if there are any statistics on Population & Steets in Carolinashores City, SC. Here you will find some key statistics about this city. For example, the city is home to 69% of married people and a majority of them are married. Also, the city has an average family size of 2.3. The percentage of single people in Carolina Shores City is higher than in Ocean Isle Beach.

The city's population is 4.16k people, with a median age of 64. The median household income is $63,048. The race mix in Carolina Shores is mainly White, with about 0.216 percent Hispanic, and 0% other races. The city has a low unemployment rate, with 13.0% of residents age 16 or older unemployed. The racial makeup of Carolina Shores is not diverse enough to determine if it's a diverse city.

The percentage of non-citizens is relatively low. This city is home to a population of approximately 3% of non-citizens, but this figure is only approximate. It's not surprising, given the small size of Carolina Shores, considering it's about a third the size of North Carolina. However, the city is home to many immigrants, and many of them are from the Caribbean, Asia, and the Middle East.

Although the city is relatively low in crime, the rate of violent crimes per resident may be higher than it would otherwise be. Because many crimes are committed in retail areas, this might give the impression that crime is higher than it actually is. However, if you're looking for crime statistics in Carolina Shores, you'll find that most violent crimes occur in commercial areas. Although the city has many parks, the majority of its residents don't live near these places.