Cedar Mountain, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get a sense of the population and steets of Cedar Mountain, NC, you can use the list below. This list is helpful for planning a trip, learning more about the local community, and getting an idea of what to expect when you visit. In addition to the list above, you can also look up other cities and towns within 100 miles of Cedar Mountain. This list is not intended to be comprehensive, and you can search for cities 100 miles from Cedar Mountain, NC.

The population of Cedar Mountain City is roughly 200,000. The surrounding metropolitan area is about 1.2 million. The city enjoys a cool, mountain climate and is close to the Dixie region. Despite its high elevation, Cedar City retains a vibrant cultural scene and shares a daily newspaper with St. George. A few notable historical figures are mentioned below:

The population of Cedar Mountain City is diverse. Its racial composition is 93.8% white, 4% black, and 5.7% Hispanic. The median age is thirty-six years old. The median income is $31,192 for men and $19,601 for women. The city is a hub for tourism, commercial development, and the arts. It has experienced rapid growth in southwestern Utah since the late 1980s. In 2017 it dedicated the Cedar City Utah Temple.

Although there is no record of ox-team logging, it is possible to find old residents who talk of logging in the valley. The mining process in Cedar Mountain City is based on the production of high-silica sand, which is used in the manufacture of bronze light posts and airplane propeller blades. The town's high-silica content sand was used in the manufacture of some bronze light posts in Seattle, and it was also used in the propeller blades of planes during World War II.