Known as the Fat Hill, Cerro Gordo is located in Piatt County, Illinois. The population was estimated at 1,316 as of the 2020 census. The town is the home of two notable people, Charlie Taylor, a mechanic and inventor who invented an engine for powered flight. A former college football player, Brydon Davis, is also a native. In 1855, the town was platted near the path of the Great Western Railroad.
The median household income of residents in Cerro Gordo is $13,836. The poverty rate is 0.28%, and males have a higher average income than females. This area also ranks near the bottom in income inequality, with males earning 1.35 times as much as females. The income distribution of residents is relatively even in Cerro Gordo, IL.
While the population of Cerro Gordo is small, it has a history. Founded in 1865, the town quickly grew to more than four thousand people. The median rent is $824 per month and the average house value is $94,900. It is estimated that the median age for both males and females is 34.7 years. The city is home to a number of local companies and industries.
The median property value in Cerro Gordo, IL was $92,100 in 2019. This is 0.383 times smaller than the national average. In 2019, the median home ownership rate in Cerro Gordo, IL was 82.4%. About one-fifth of the population commuted by car, which is much higher than the national average. The average commute time was 21.4 minutes. Approximately 1.5k people live in Cerro Gordo, and only 1.07% are non-natives.