Chadbourn, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Chadbourn, North Carolina population is a diverse mix of ethnicities and racial origins. Its median age is 37.1 and its population is made up of both native-born citizens and foreign-born residents. In 2019, the median household income was $800. Of those households, 49.8% were owned by their owner, a decrease from the previous year. Of those households, the most common racial origins were Mexico, India, and Honduras.

The Chadbourn, NC Census Bureau reports that 93.6% of residents are U.S. citizens. The median property value in Chadbourn, NC is $71,200 and the homeownership rate is 49.8%. Most residents commuted to work alone, with the average travel time of 22.2 minutes. The average number of vehicles owned by households is three, with the smallest number having one.

The population of Chadbourn City is primarily white, with a higher proportion of people in their late 20s to early 40s. It has a small number of families and a relatively high percentage of single parents. The number of people enrolled in college is lower than average. The area is home to 2 high schools and two elementary schools. Chadbourn City's ZIP code is slightly lower than the state average.

The houses in Chadbourn City range from modest bungalows to large, elegant houses. A noteworthy example of a Tudor Revival house is the Frederick A. Chadbourn House, built in 1900 and listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Although most of the houses in Chadbourn City are small houses in the context of the neighborhood, they are middle to large-sized in size. The style and construction dates of these houses are varied, but the diversity of architectural styles is noteworthy more than the uniformity.