Connelly Spg, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to learn more about the Population & Steets in Connelley Spg City? Then this article will help you get started. You'll discover that this town is located in Western North Carolina, half way between Asheville and Winston-Salem. Its residents are predominantly white, with just 1.0% black and 3.5% Hispanic. The median household income is $40,141, with an average of $45,814. And, the majority of residents are home owners, with 59% high school graduates.

In terms of education, approximately 48% of Connelly Springs residents earned at least a bachelor's degree. Only 16% received a master's or professional degree. Connelly Springs' occupations are divided into three categories: 15% are employed in the service industry, 48% in blue-collar jobs, and 37% in white-collar roles. The average age of the population in Connelly Springs is 37.

In terms of income, Connelly Springs is home to about 1,854 residents. This is a fairly modest amount when compared to other American cities, and the median household income in this town is $34,674. If you want to learn more about the economic status of the area, the poverty rate is 10.7% higher than in other areas. The average household size is 2.54, and there are approximately 1.75 children per family.