Connelly Springs, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for more information about Connelly Springs, NC, you've come to the right place. Here you will find important information about the city, including its population, sate, and steets. You can use this information to plan your trip or explore the area. To find the nearest major city to Connelly Springs, NC, look at our list of nearby towns.

In 2019, the median property value in Connelly Springs, NC was $96,800, 0.402 times lower than the national average. This increase was attributed to a higher homeownership rate (73.7% versus 68.3% nationally). Among the non-Hispanic residents of Connelly Springs, the highest percentage was found amongst those who are married. The median family size in Connelly Springs was two.

As for the median age in Connelly Springs, NC, the median resident was 49 years old. Native-born residents were 48 and foreign-born residents were 51. Connelly Springs' population is growing older. Of the city's residents, the majority of non-natives were from Mexico, with 229,947 being born in that country. Other countries with large populations in Connelly Springs include India, Honduras, and China.

Crime is common in areas with low population densities. While Connelly Springs does not have a high number of crime, its rate of theft per person is higher than the state's average. Inconveniently located crime areas tend to be in remote locations, such as isolated residential blocks. While crime rates are higher in these areas, this does not necessarily mean that Connelly Springs is unsafe.