Cove City, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of Cove City? You can find that out by reading the below article. You'll be able to find out more about the city's history, its residents, and the general climate by reading about its recent residents. You'll also learn how to find out the schools in Cove City. In the end, you'll be able to make a well-informed decision regarding relocating to Cove City.

The demographic breakdown of Cove City's residents shows a high percentage of single residents - about 49 percent of the population is single. The city is 10.1% smaller than North Carolina, which is a bit surprising. But this does not mean that single people aren't happy in Cove City! This article will give you the facts about this city's diverse population. The percentage of single people in Cove City is lower than that of Trenton, while the population of Hispanics is higher than that of whites.

The highest percentage of unemployed residents in Cove City is White. Black residents make up nearly half of the population. Native Americans make up the remainder. Cove City's rent burden is higher than the state's average of 30.3%. Other neighboring cities like Plymouth and Bayboro have higher rent burdens. However, the city has a relatively high percentage of rent-paying households (25.1% of the population).