If you're wondering what Culberson City, Texas is like, you've come to the right place. Here are the population and steets data for the city and county. Culberson County is three-fourths the size of Texas. In addition, Culberson City is home to about 5,000 people. The population is spread out among several cities.
The median age of residents in Culberson City is 37.4. This is the third-oldest county in the metro area, after Loving County, which is 67.2% larger. In terms of percentage of people between thirty-four and forty-five, Culberson City, Texas has the third-highest proportion of single women. The county has the second-largest proportion of single women ages 25-34, followed by #2 Reeves County, and #1 Hudspeth County.
The population density of Culberson City is relatively low compared to the national and state averages. However, it is above the national average and close to the state average, but lower than that of Jeff Davis and Ward counties. Nevertheless, Culberson City is located within 64 miles of two larger cities, which are both convenient if you want to go on a road trip.
There are many landmarks and businesses in the area. In addition, the county seat is Van Horn. The census-estimated population in Culberson City is 2,149, compared to about 1,300 in the year 2020. The county is in the Central Daylight Time Zone, so the clocks in Culberson City are six hours behind Coordinated Universal Time. This means that Culberson County has a warmer climate than the rest of Texas.