Cumnock, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning about the Population & Steets in Cumfock City, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find useful information to help you decide if Cumnock is the right place for you. The information is gathered from the 2011 UK census, which is conducted every 10 years. Census data includes information from nearby streets and postcodes, but is representative of the entire area. The information is gathered using a system of sampling that ensures each group contains at least 100 people, preserving anonymity.

People lived on a modest scale in Cumnock, with most householders walking to and from church. They used tractors to move around town and to transport children. By the year 1883 tolls were removed, but the road from Cumnock to Ochiltree was altered. A low arch in the bridge is believed to be a cause. The enlisted soldiers' collars, however, were kept by the city to show their loyalties.

Cumnock's population is 9,039. The area was important for many centuries, as the town's textiles industry produced snuff boxes and cloth for clothing. In the twentieth century, its manufacturing base consisted of carpets, knitwear, and spinning. These industries eventually made way for the food and animal feed industries. The population of Cumnock, while smaller, remains steady.