Eagle Springs, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Eagle Springs City? This guide will help you determine the demographic make-up of Eagle Springs. You'll also learn how much money people in Eagle Springs make. Approximately 88.6% of Eagle Springs residents are white, while 41.8% are black. A little more than 11% of residents are Hispanic. The average household income in Eagle Springs is $39,000. The majority of residents in Eagle Springs City speak English at home.

The population of Eagle Springs City is approximately 8,000. The average household size is 2.71 people. Education levels range widely within the population, with more than half of the population working in white-collar jobs. The remaining 45 percent of the population is employed in blue-collar jobs and service industries. The unemployment rate is 7.7%, and the median household income is $42,133. If you're considering living in Eagle Springs City, you'll want to consider the demographics before you decide to invest in a home.

As a growing community, Eagle Springs has developed its amenities. Its main street, known as Fountain Inn, was built in 1939 and later converted into an elementary school. The city's population grew by 134 percent from 1890 to 1900. It's no wonder that the city has a thriving textile industry. The Cotton Mill was a major factor in Eagle Springs' development, as it was responsible for much of the city's growth.