East Flat Rock, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for East Flat Rock, North Carolina real estate, then you have come to the right place. Below you will find the Population & Steets in East Flat Rock City. For more information about the city, please visit our About Page. We provide detailed statistics on the area, including population and crime statistics. The maps show where crime rates are the lowest, highest, and most concentrated. You can also view a crime heat map, which provides a good idea of total crimes by block group.

The census Bureau has provided this information to help determine the income levels of households in the city. The thresholds vary according to family size, and people in one family may be poor if their income falls below the threshold. In this case, the Census Bureau's definition of poverty is low enough for the area to meet the income requirements of most households. The highest percentage of people in East Flat Rock, NC are employed in the Construction & Extraction Occupations (507) and Management & Administration of Non-Farming Occupations.

The population of East Flat Rock City was first recorded in 1811. In 1795, Michael Vreeland, a farmer, settled on the land east of the bog. He and his five sons were captured by British Rangers during the Revolutionary War, but they were released after the U.S. gained independence. They then purchased land in the area and settled near Fortune Creek and Oak Grove Road. They raised families and raised crops in the town and eventually organized a church.